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Bringing sustainability into the workplace is a long-term commitment, whether you manage two employees or 2,000. There are simple, easy things you can do to go green. Operating a green business is not only good for the environment but good for your business’s bottom line because conserving resources and cutting down on waste saves money.


Switching from incandescent to compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) is easy, affordable, and can cut costs right off the bat. CFLs use 75 percent less energy, saving up to $200 for every five bulbs replaced. Lighting expenses make up as much as 50 percent of the average commercial building’s energy bill. Turning off lights and switching to lower-wattage bulbs can make an enormous difference.


Computer Power

Ask employees to set their computers to go to sleep automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity and to turn them off at night along with printers and copiers. This can save anywhere from $50 to more than $150 annually per device (depending on the type of machine and its energy consumption). Screen savers keep monitors running at full power, screens should be black.


Smart Strip Power Cords

They sense when a device is turned off and cut their phantom power, or the power that electronics use even when turned off. They claim to pay for themselves within six weeks of use and serve as surge protectors. Smart Strips also have hot outlets, which are always on. This is a better choice for laser printers, which are sometimes damaged by regular power strips.


Eco Landscaping

Studies link natural landscapes to increased productivity and creativity. With a little investment, you can alter or create an outdoor area for lunch meetings, brainstorming sessions, or simply to serve as a positive green patch for employees.


Efficient Heating and Cooling

Since heating and cooling handle are a sizable part of the costs found on utility bills, small businesses can save a bundle by improving efficiency. The largest savings come from simply turning heat or air-conditioning down at night or installing a programmable thermostat to regulate temperature. Air-conditioning units are a prime energy waste since the average air duct system leaks 15 to 20 percent. Ask service technicians to repair and evaluate for leaks, and check regularly for faulty filters, coils, compressor fans, and drains.


Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

Whether it is double-sided printing or recycled packaging, look for ways to reduce unnecessary consumption, reuse inputs, and recycle materials. Moving to digital documents through creation or by scanning paper documents into a database. Use a faxmodem and by using a fax cover sheet only when necessary. Faxmodems allow documents to be sent directly from a computer, without requiring a printed hard copy.

Incorporating these six ways to “green” your office demonstrates your commitment to sustainability while also reaping the benefits of reduced costs and increased employee satisfaction. By taking these steps, you are not only creating a positive impact on the environment but also setting a great example for others in your industry. Together, we can make a difference in creating a more sustainable future for our workplaces and the world.

Contact us today to learn how we can help your business in its efforts to go green!

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